Senin, 09 Juni 2014

Denver Personal Injury Attorney Fuller Injury Law John

Our Colorado Law Firm Can Help | John R. Fuller, P.C.

john fuller personal injury attorney1 150x150 Denver Personal Injury Attorney | Fuller Injury Law | John R. Fuller, P.C.

Denver personal injury attorney John R. Fuller can help you determine whether or not your claim is legitimate, explain to you your prospects for a pre-trial settlement, and help you understand the injury claim process. It is true that knowledge is power. The knowledgeable Denver trial lawyers at Fuller Injury Law can evaluate your case, and if necessary help you pursue your claim with no upfront cost to you or your family. Call now for a FREE case consultation: 303-597-4500.

Colorado Personal Injury Law Firm | FREE Case Review

Personal injury victims often have insult added to their injuries. This happens when insurance companies try to protect their bottom line by refusing to provide fair compensation to people who have been injured due to the negligence of those they insure. The compensation that insurance companies may try to deny is money for medical treatment, time off work, and general pain and suffering. Denver personal injury attorney John R. Fuller knows you deserve better. That is why John and his staff will meet with you personally, thoroughly examine your personal injury case, and advise you on the best course for legal action.

Your Consultation is ALWAYS FREE

Our law firm works on a Contingency Fee basis. If we do not collect money for your injuries, you do not pay.

Denver Personal Injury Lawyer John R. Fuller The Denver personal injury lawyers of Fuller Injury Law have helped countless people who have been injured because of the negligent behavior of others.

Did you know that if you have been involved in an accident in Denver, your case can be handled on a contingency fee basis? What this means is that in general, if our law firm is not able to collect money for your injuries, you do not pay. And there are no upfront or hourly costs associated with exploring your claim. However, in the event that you choose to pursue your case through trial and lose, you may be responsible for the costs accrued by the insurance companys defense team. That is why it is important to discuss your accident and injuries with an experienced Colorado accident attorney to be sure your case warrants legal representation.

icon biac Denver Personal Injury Attorney | Fuller Injury Law | John R. Fuller, P.C.
Brain Injury Alliance Of CO


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Denver Better Business Bureau


iconlawfather Denver Personal Injury Attorney | Fuller Injury Law | John R. Fuller, P.C.
Law Father Consumer Education Award


icon ctla Denver Personal Injury Attorney | Fuller Injury Law | John R. Fuller, P.C.
Colorado Trial Lawyers Association

Pain-free Personal Injury Representation | 303-597-4500 | Contact Us

At Fuller Injury Law, our Colorado personal injury lawyers are determined to make your experience with the civil justice system as painless as possible. Our clients come to us because they have lost a loved one, are injured themselves, or feel overwhelmed with medical bills and questions. We recognize that no personal injury case is the same. That is why we provide individualized, sympathetic counsel for our clients and why we aggressively pursue the maximum amount of financial compensation on their behalf.

We know you have many attorneys to choose from. Our legal team is dedicated to taking the time necessary to uncover every fact related to your accident so that we can develop a legal strategy custom tailored to your situation. Our law firm is also dedicated to building trust with our clients and maintaining an outstanding attorney-client relationship.

Our promise to our clients has always been to make sure that they know how important they are to us and that their case is always a priority, not just another file on the shelf. Please read testimonials from our former clients to learn more about our commitment to Pain Free Personal Injury Representation.

Colorados Statute of Limitations

If you or a loved one have been injured because of another persons negligence, it is important to know that Colorado personal injury law limits the time you have to file your personal injury claim. Each case type may have a different statute of limitations, but in general the statute of limitations for a personal injury claim in Colorado is two years. If the person who was injured is a minor, Colorado law may allow a personal injury claim to be made anytime until the minor turns 18 years of age, but do not make any assumptions. Check with our law firm for precise statutes of limitation related to your case type. At the Denver personal injury law firm of John R. Fuller, P.C. we have the dedication, experience, and resources to evaluate the statute of limitations and get you fair treatment as well as comprehensive compensation. Call our law office now to speak to one of our Colorado personal injury lawyers directly not a paralegal!

Denver Car Accident Lawyer John R. Fuller Files Auto Injury Claims

Being involved in a car accident can be one of the most disrupting things to ever happen to you. Not only is there the inconvenience of losing your transportation for any period of time, serious auto accidents can result in injuries that can change your life forever. Your losses might include not only property damage, but also lost wages, medical bills, and pain and suffering. In the most severe car crashes, you may have even lost a loved one and could be entitled to wrongful death compensation. What ever the circumstances of your car accident, keep in mind that insurance companies have many lawyers on their side. Make sure you have one on yours. The statistics do not lie. People involved in car accidents who hire a Colorado accident attorney recover more compensation than those who choose to enter these legal battles alone.

We Know How to Deal with Insurance Companies

denied insurance form1 Denver Personal Injury Attorney | Fuller Injury Law | John R. Fuller, P.C.If you have been injured in an accident in Denver, and are dealing with an insurance company, chances are you will need an experienced personal injury attorney in Denver to obtain the compensation that is rightfully yours. In fact, numerous studies have shown that injured people who hire an attorney recover more money than those who pursue their injury claims alone. This is in part because insurance companies employ adjusters who are trained to minimize the amount that the company pays out in claims. The insurance companies have many lawyers and experts on their side to protect their profits and bottom line. But you do not have to face them alone. We aggressively fight insurance companies and protect your legal rights. Choose the attorneys of Fuller Injury Law to represent your interests when dealing with insurance companies, their adjusters, and their lawyers.

Slip and Fall and Premises Liability Injuries

Property owners have a legal obligation to keep their premises free of dangerous obstacles and hazardous situations. If you have been injured in a trip and fall or slip and fall accident, you may be able to collect compensation by filing a premises liability claim. These claims can be filed in many different situations, including slips on ice or water, trips in potholes or on broken sidewalks, loose or broken hand rails, broken stairs, and much more. If you have been injured in a slip and fall or trip and fall accident in Denver, contact our law firm today for a FREE premises liability case consultation.

Making a Colorado Wrongful Death Claim

Being injured because someone else acted carelessly is hard enough, but losing a loved one due to the recklessness of another can be devastating. If your loved one has been killed, you may be able to file a wrongful death claim in Colorado. Wrongful death claims allow certain family members to collect compensation when their loved ones are killed. These family members can include parents, children, and spouses of the deceased. Wrongful death claims allow these family members to collect money for medical bills, funeral expenses, pain and suffering, and future wages and benefits a deceased family member may have been providing to his or her family. Unfortunately, wrongful death cases have an arbitrary cap for non-economic damages in Colorado. This cap is currently set at just over $400,000.00 and is determined by the Colorado legislature. This cap means that even though a jury may award your family non-economic damages over this limit, you will not be entitled to collect any money in excess of the cap. However, it is important to know that you may be able to recover more than the cap through pre-trial mediation or arbitration. To make sure you are aware of all of the compensation that you and your family may be entitled to, it is so important to discuss your case with a Denver wrongful death attorney before going to trial.

Out of State Representation

The State of Colorado estimates that over 55 million people visit Colorado each year! These visitors take advantage of our scenic beauty, outstanding motorcycle rides, outdoor recreational activities, music, art, and film festivals, skiing, boating, camping, bicycle rides, and travel for business. If you were visiting our state and were injured, we are truly sorry. But you may find it legally necessary to hire a Denver personal injury lawyer who is licensed in the state of Colorado to pursue your personal injury claim. We have helped many individuals and families from out of state pursue justice through the Colorado court system. If you or a loved one find yourselves in need of a Colorado accident attorney contact us today to learn more about how we can help you protect your out-of-state accident claim.

Contact a Denver Personal Injury Attorney Today!

contact an attorney Denver Personal Injury Attorney | Fuller Injury Law | John R. Fuller, P.C.We are available 24/7, and routinely handle personal injury cases across Colorado. We represent Colorado residents as well as clients injured while visiting our state. Discuss your case with personal injury attorney John R. Fuller now by scheduling a free initial consultation. Call (303) 597-4500.

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